module documentation

retrieve issues data from Jira and post useful generated outputs to Slack

Function issues_body Iterate through issues and generate message body for slack alert messages given JQL of tickets to process and a title for the message.
Function key_hyperlink Creates Jira issue URL from a given issue key using the server url set in jiraOptions above.
Constant STATUS_HEADERS Dictionary to specify how the header for each Jira status should be displayed when generating the categorized issues list output in issues_body() function. Emojis encouraged.
def issues_body(jql, title, cli=False):

Iterate through issues and generate message body for slack alert messages given JQL of tickets to process and a title for the message.

jql:strJQL for issues; e.g. 'project=CE AND status in ("Under Review", "Pending Peer Review")'
title:strTitle of alerts for this group of tickets; e.g. 'Stalled for Review'
strmulti line string of tickets list in nice human readable, categorized format, properly encoded for sending as body in http request to slack api
def key_hyperlink(key):

Creates Jira issue URL from a given issue key using the server url set in jiraOptions above.

key:strJira issue key; e.g. 'CE-1234'.
strURL of Jira issue.
STATUS_HEADERS: dict[str, str] =

Dictionary to specify how the header for each Jira status should be displayed when generating the categorized issues list output in issues_body() function. Emojis encouraged.

{'Pending Peer Review': ':redalert: *{} :fox_face: _{}_ :fox_face: tickets* :red
 'Under Review': ':green_alert: *{} :checkered_flag: _{}_ :checkered_flag: ticke
ts* :green_alert:',
 'Done': ':todo_done:  *{} _{}_ tickets*',
 'Blocked': ':no_entry:  *{} _{}_ tickets*',
 'Not Ready': ':waiting:  *{} _{}_ tickets*',